Glad Tidings

AUGUST 2024 GLAD TIDINGS 11 THE CHRISTIAN WAY OUTREACH PLAYS BY GARY TOOLE EVANGELISTIC MINISTRY THROUGH PLAYS: CHRISTMAS EASTER, & HISTORY Plays are available to Churches free of charge For more information contact the Ministry All books are free to the public when making a donation of any size THE CHRISTIAN WAY MINISTRIES 2687 GA. HWY. 56 W. UVALDA, GA. 30473 © COPYRIGHT 2002 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED “TO GOD BE THE GLORY” “Old Sayings Grandpa Used” “Down Memory Lane” Of course I didn’t write the Serenity Prayer. I wished I did, but I just entitled this piece because I love that prayer. I always have. Years ago I bought a ceramic plate with that prayer inscribed on it. It hangs in our kitchen and as I was getting my coffee, I looked up and there it was, and a thought came to me. The Serenity Prayer says, “Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” That prayer was relevant years ago and it certainly is more relevant in these modern times, because years ago, before all this major plastic surgery. For most folks if you had a big nose and didn’t like it, then you just prayed the Serenity prayer. “Lore, grant me the serenity to accept my big nose.” Now, forget God! I’ll just get me a nose job! Folks think that if they change all the outward then everything is going to be just fine, but until you change the inward, then you will never really be happy. Only Jesus can change you and make you a new person with a peaceful serene heart. He won’t give you a face lift, but rather a soul lift, and then your nose won’t really seen quit as big and bad. The word serenity means a peaceful, untroubled calm. Only the Lord can truly give you that. There is so much social unrest. Folks changing this and that, trying to find satisfaction, which is really found only in the Lord. As the word says in II Corinthians 4:8, we can be troubled on every side, yet not distressd. We can be troubled, but if we have that serenity in our heart, then we are at peace. If you know God, then you know peace. If you have no God, then you have no peace. Then in the prayer it says, “Courage to change the things I can.” I like to add desire to that, because whatever you are trying to change, then you need to have a made up mind, and I’m not talking about changing your nose. If you are trying to change your life and break free from an addiction, then you must have a made up mind and a great desire to quit. Oh, it will take great courage that only God can give. So, to be victorious, then you need Jesus. You can’t do it by yourself. Oh, some try and fail. Alcoholics Anonymous has a twelve step program. Well, with Jesus, if you take the first, then He will help you take the rest; and, as in the story of Footprints, sometimes He will carry you. So, many are looking outwardly, when in fact it lies within. They need a spiritual change to become a new person in Christ with a new attitude, with a peaceful calm feeling inside. They don’t need a shot of silicone, but rather a shot of that spiritual sugar to sweeten up their soul. So many that look beautiful on the outside are dirty and nasty inwardly. Some so beautiful with such nasty attitudes. That’s what they need to change. Then the prayer says, “God grant me the wisdom to know the difference.” I guess that’s the biggest part they don’t get in this day and time, because they think they can solve all their problems with all these changes. Plastic surgery, sex changes, implants and body modification; and the list goes on, but the wisdom to know the difference is God’s wisdom. Not man’s. Man’s wisdom speaks of outward change but God’s wisdom speaks of inward change. And why not, because that’s where the real you lives. Solomon didn’t ask for stuff, but rather for Godly wisdom, because he knew that was one of the greatest treasures the Lord had to give him. Pretty smart! Don’t you think? Can you say amen? u GARY TOOLE EXPRESS LOCATION: 1001 N Madison Ave Douglas Ga. In the old Preferred Loan & Tax Bldg Come See Us For Your: Personal Loans - Tax Loans - Filing Taxes LOAN AND TAX SERVICE 912-389-1040 THE SERENITY PRAYER Todd Wade - Owner Jasmine Gusman - Douglas Mgr When the world comes crashing in And chaos rules my mind, I turn my heart to you, Lord, And pure, sweet peace I find. You lift me out of trouble You comfort me in pain; You nourish, heal and cleanse me, Like cool, refreshing rain. In times of joy and bliss, When things are going right, You lift me even higher, And fill me with delight. You listen to my prayers; You hear my every plea; I’m safe because I know You’re always there for me. By Joanna Fuchs u You’re Always There for Me